Rothys sustainable washable shoes slip on sneakers in kiwi green super rare super kawaii
great condition. my feet are 23.5 Japan size. when i wear this i take out the insole and its about 23 cm. they are too small for me but i bought them because i thought i could squeeze into them. theyre kids size but for small feet women they are super adorable. will fit your Japanese feet 22-23 cm shoes. i have a cat. these photos are the shoes drying after being washed. ask me any questions you have. shipping is 800-1000 yen depending on where you live in Japan.
Rothys sustainable washable shoes slip on sneakers in kiwi green
super rare
super kawaii
great condition. my feet are 23.5 Japan size. when i wear this i take out the insole and its about 23 cm. they are too small for me but i bought them because i thought i could squeeze into them. theyre kids size but for small feet women they are super adorable. will fit your Japanese feet 22-23 cm shoes. i have a cat. these photos are the shoes drying after being washed. ask me any questions you have. shipping is 800-1000 yen depending on where you live in Japan.
Rothy のサステナブルなウォッシャブル シューズ スリッポン キウイ グリーンのスニーカー
素晴らしいコンディション。 私の足は23.5の日本サイズです。 これを履いてインソールを出すと約23cmです。 私には小さすぎましたが、中に入ると思ったので購入しました。 キッズサイズですが、足の小さい女性にはとても可愛いです。 22~23cmの日本人の足にフィットします。 私は猫を飼っています。 写真は靴を洗って乾かしたところです。 質問があれば聞いてください。 送料は日本のどこに住んでいるかにもよりますが、800-1000円です。